Mischievous honk honk
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Verook @httpsverookcom

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Joined on 4/25/24

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httpsverookcom's News

Posted by httpsverookcom - 6 hours ago

I made this cover for my new notebook and scanned it


Posted by httpsverookcom - August 1st, 2024

Oh Moon

I'm so tired I forgot how to touch the stars

my heart turns to dust because I keep lying to the moon

Oh imposing Moon

looks so gentle by the stars

I'm still afraid, afraid that she eat me alive

down here it's so lonely

this city in ruins feels empty

how silent life is when it feels empty

I'm not ready to reach for the sky and fight with the sun

The moon on the cross waits expectantly

The untouchable, gigantic, still young universe

we are his first experiment

and I his first toy.


Oh Luna

Estoy tan cansada que olvidé como tocar las estrellas

mi corazón se vuelve polvo porque le sigo mintiendo a la luna

Oh Luna imponente

luce tan amable junto a las estrellas

Sigo con miedo, miedo de que me coma viva

aquí abajo es tan solitario

esta ciudad en ruinas se siente vacía

que silenciosa es la vida cuando se siente vacía

No estoy preparada para alcanzar el cielo y pelear con el sol

La Luna en la cruz espera espectante

El universo intocable, gigante, aún jóven

somos su primer experimento

y yo su último juguete.



Posted by httpsverookcom - July 11th, 2024

Maybe I'll upload some things I've written to my blog (from blogspot) soon, I also wanted to upload something to my YouTube channel, maybe a little voice acting, a gameplay or I don't know, something cool. I'm just getting used to this social media thing lol

But I think my English is improving, maybe, I don't know

Then, and this is for sure, I upload some drawing practices that I did in my notebook, I made a great plant

I'm going to buy a microphone, I need a lot of things and I don't have enough money lol

Posted by httpsverookcom - July 6th, 2024

I want to make a couple of Sonic fanarts, but omg, I can't draw with my tablet striped and my fingers in the laptop mouse